
Products 2017-04-15T16:05:42+00:00

Other products

Beyond our own production, Copa Fresh has partnerships with producers in other areas that allow us to expand the range of products available. These agreements allow us to offer fruits such as persimmons, oranges, mandarins and clementines, pomegranates or lemons.



Although the volumes are lower, Copa has developed the production of cherries and apricots anticipating the season of stone fruit during the recent years. Within farms in particular climatic zones, high quality and resistance fruits are achieved weeks before the normal process. Thanks to the growing leading fruit varieties, a high quality fruit [...]



Although the volumes are lower, Copa has developed the production of cherries and apricots anticipating the season of stone fruit during the recent years. Within farms in particular climatic zones, high quality and resistance fruits are achieved weeks before the normal process. Thanks to the growing leading fruit varieties, a high quality fruit [...]



A sweet and tasty pulp distinguishes the native nectarine varieties. The skin is thin and clean. A constant process of transformation in varieties has resulted in fruits with high coloration throughout the summer season and with a resistance that allows long transit time exports.



The peach grows in the area of Lleida and it is a fine and velvety skin product. It is especially known for its sweet taste and mild aroma. The white-fleshed pulp varieties are sweeter if possible. A wide range of peach varieties guarantees a high quality throughout the summer. [...]



Lleida’s pear is a widely known and valued fruit product. The climatic conditions of the territory are optimal for the production of this fruit and they help in delivering a sweet taste and a warm color. The offer of Copa’s pears is wide and varied. On the one hand, Copa offers seasonal pears, [...]



Copa Fresh is heir to a long experience in the production of apples that dates back to the early '80s. The experience is a guarantee of quality throughout the process from the field to the packing. Thanks to the tradition and innovation in varieties, production techniques, and field support as anti-hail net, regular [...]